They Say Frescoe Has “Leadership Presence” – Why?

Frescoe strolled into the arena, glanced briefly at the group, and proceeded to explore the space while sniffing the ground. The group was riveted to his every move. They had not met him before, but I asked them to describe his personality based on what they were observing and feeling. “He’s confident.” “Sure of himself.”…

Widsom from the Winter Wetland

Wetlands are one of the most biologically diverse and productive ecosystems on earth. Their transformative properties can alter the chemical composition of substances including pollutants. They often serve as transition zones between open waters or rivers and terra firma. They are magical places. I studied wetland ecology as part of my Master’s Degree many years…

Confident. Effective. BOLD.

Happy Spring! After a long winter, it’s time to celebrate the season of rebirth, growth and renewal. This is a perfect time to check in with yourself and your business to be sure that you are the CONFIDENT, EFFECTIVE, BALANCED, and BOLD leader you need to be to achieve your goals. Horses never willingly follow…

Know Your Value Proposition and Watch Your Income Soar!

(Originally Published in the Piedmont Business Journal, July 2012) Everyone in business, including for-profit and not-for-profit entities, needs to understand the concept of a “value proposition.” In simple terms, a value proposition is a statement that convinces someone that you are the one to call, the place to go, the must-have product, or the “go-to” resource.…