Know Your Value Proposition and Watch Your Income Soar!

(Originally Published in the Piedmont Business Journal, July 2012) Everyone in business, including for-profit and not-for-profit entities, needs to understand the concept of a “value proposition.” In simple terms, a value proposition is a statement that convinces someone that you are the one to call, the place to go, the must-have product, or the “go-to” resource.…

Will 2013 Be Your Year?

(Originally published in the Piedmont Business Journal, December 2012) Every January it’s the same thing: we start the New Year with intentions for success. We make resolutions and set ambitious goals for our business and personal lives. But by late February, many of us lose steam, the complexities of life interfering with our best laid…

5 Tips for Small Business Owners

Originally published in the Piedmont Business Journal, Spring 2011 Starting and running your own business can be a dream come true. It can also be a huge source of stress, especially in a challenging economy. Follow these five essentials to ensure the road to success: Be the expert in your field. Build credibility by being really…

The Art of Interviewing

Originally published in The Fauquier Times Democrat, May 2009 The job interview is the most important step of your future career. It usually starts with a phone interview. If you’re lucky, an appointment for an in-person interview follows. A request for references may ensue. A decision may be made at this point, or a second interview…