For Success: Don’t Push Beyond Threshold!

Do you know your “threshold?” In human psychology, a threshold is the lowest intensity that causes an effect. We often consider thresholds with respect to fear, e.g., the moment you first begin to feel a slight bit of anxiety. Thresholds also apply to physical pain. Once you begin to notice the lowest intensity that causes…

Leading Through Change: Managing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)

Humans are creatures of habit. We like consistency and knowing what to expect. It makes us feel safe. But living and working in the status quo does not allow for growth. Growth requires change. And change is often uncomfortable. Leading yourself and others through change can spark fear and negative behavior in even the most…

“Ride” Through Fear to Peace – The 4 Phases

As a strategist, leadership coach and passionate horse lover, managing fear is a regular topic with clients, me and my horses. Healthy fear keeps you safe, helps you make good decisions, build competence, and grow. Unhealthy fear can suffocate your dreams and get you stuck in a torment of self-criticism, anxiety and despair. Managing fear…

Do You Have a Divine Partnership?

I was recently interviewed by brilliant coach Diane Haworth as part of her “Heart-Centered Success” TV show. She was running a program on “divine partnerships” and invited me to talk about my partnerships with horses and nature. During the interview, I shared a bit of this partnership that profoundly impacted my life. I thought I’d…