In today’s dynamic leadership landscape, one may feel quite conflicted about who to follow. Leadership shifts are happening in all areas of our lives – in business, politics, and even athletic teams and in social groups. Change is normal and is necessary for growth. But, the energy of confliction spurs doubt and can slow down or even stop a decision-making process. How do you choose who to follow?

Here are three factors to consider to gain clarity in making this decision. You can use this approach to assess potential leaders, yourself as a leader, new career/business opportunities, and other relationships.

  1. Look to a bigger vision. Scale up. Imagine the future. Picture scenarios. What future do you want? Why?
  2. Look within yourself. Explore your values and guiding principles. What do you hold most dear? What are your “non-negotiables?” How do they play out in the future you have imagined?
  3. Look at the leader/potential leader. Review their competence, consistency of behavior, and character. Can you respect them? Trust them? Do they care about what’s important to you? What actions demonstrate this? Can they lead the future that you have imagined?

Who or what best aligns with your responses to these questions? There may be no perfect match. That’s ok. As we know, perfection is the enemy of good enough. And change is constant. Once you have chosen, you can get involved in making shifts to help shape a desired future. This creates openings and new possibilities. A little willingness goes a long way. Empower yourself to help lead the way at whatever level you choose. The future is yours to create, if you choose.